Our mission is four-fold:
- Promote and facilitate the autonomous action of people in need to support their social integration. To accomplish this, trained volunteers accompany them in the daily life and help them take the necessary steps to be able to benefit from their rights and to act as responsible citizens.
- Extend this same support to those who have temporarily or definitively lost their autonomy to allow them to live with dignity and feel valued by society.
- Propose these services to all associations and public or private organisations that request this field support for their own beneficiaries, in order to allow them to increase the efficiency of their activity.
- Offer administrative and IT support to all those who feel helpless with respect to the digital world that dehumanizes the relationship between service providers and their customers.
Our activities
Our NGO achieves its goals through 5 activities:
Welcoming means recognising the individual and accepting him or her as unique, respecting their dignity, privacy and part of mystery. It is about being the person whom they chose to dialogue with and being their witness. By valuing their life experience and helping them discover their hidden potential we allow them to express their dreams, aspirations and wishes. We walk with them at their speed and respect their evolution, constantly adapting to their needs. It is about helping them to take control, and leaving them free to make choices. Finally, welcoming means considering them a human being who is continuously evolving.
Accompanying in the field
Field staff support the person who has chosen to be accompanied in their administrative procedures or in completing other paperwork. The aim is to find a solution to their most urgent problems. This means assisting them in their actions and not replacing them. It means helping them take responsibility. Finally, it is also about ensuring that an adequate follow-up is made if necessary. It means also to suggest our Ambulatory Accompaniment Service to organizations that can’t go to the field
Working as a team
Working in the field is the joint endeavour by a team of volunteers and employees in the NGO. Field support is a project agreed with professional partners aiming at complementing each other.
Defending rights
Our experience proves that our relationships are based on support and fellowship. They entail using all our resources to stand up and defend our beneficiaries’ rights.
Bearing witness
Accompanying our beneficiaries with a spirit of fellowship engages us collectively and individually in a dynamic of memory and transmission. This gives us both a right and an obligation to bear witness to what we experience through our work, in our lives and in the non-profit world, in relation to both politicians and public opinion.