Centre d’aide aux Personnes (CPA/4604)

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Support us financially

Our accounts are audited and published in a completely transparent manner.




Les Amis d’Accompagner subscribes to the ethical code of the AERF (Association for ethical fundraising).

You are entitled to be informed on how the funds collected are used.


Please make your donation by bank transfer with the communication “Donation for Accompagner”. Our bank details: BE25 1142 6095 4582 – Les Amis d’Accompagner – Rue des braves 21, 1081 Koekelberg

For donations of €40 or more we will send you a fiscal document so that you can get a tax exemption. You will receive the tax exemption document during the first trimester of the year following your donation.

Thank you for your support!

Donations and Legacies

For substantial donations and legacies please do not hesitate to contact Father Guy Leroy: .

We will be happy to answer all questions relating to how we operate, our financial needs, our accounts, the donations, fiscal documentation, and legacies.

You can also consult all our accountingDocuments on our website .